Mike Rohm, MAI, CCIM, R/W-AC
Managing Director
717 - 220 - 7084
Mike is the Managing Director of CCAG.
After graduating from Temple University as the first triple business major in school history, Mike started CCAG in 2020 and remains a practicing commercial real estate appraiser and salesperson.
Mike has been published multiple times in International Right of Way Magazine and Commercial Real Estate Investment Magazine on the topic of land valuation. He is recognized as a land valuation specialist but produces high quality appraisals among all asset classes.
University Majors (Temple University):
Real estate
Professional Board Involvement:
Vice President, Appraisal Institute Keystone Chapter (2020‐present)
Chair, Greater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS Commercial Council (2023‐present)
Treasurer, Lancaster Commercial & Industrial Council (2021-present)
School Advisory Board, Greater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS (2021 - present)
Chair of University Relations, PA/NJ/DE CCIM Chapter (2021 - present)
Community Involvement:
Board of Directors, Greater Harrisburg Area Habitat for Humanity
Board of Managers, Harrisburg Area East Shore YMCA
What's an MAI? https://www.appraisalinstitute.org/why-join/pursue-a-designation/mai-designation
Landmark Commercial Realty, Senior Associate (2020 - present)
Mike is also an active commercial real estate broker in Central PA. He utilizes his background in appraisal and financial analysis to assist sellers price listings and investors underwrite acquisitions.
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